What is an astrological aspect that describes you the best?

Passionate and loving spirited fire

What is your dream vision for the collective future?

My dream for the collective is to come back home to our hearts and the earth. Being present with simple pleasures of growing our own food, learning to breathe deeper and connection with community and ourselves. To be confident in our bodies, embodying truth with a reverence to our souls growth and this human experience. 

Who would love to come to your class?

Those that want to feel freedom from within and tap into their unique power and radiance. 

Describe a time in my life when I have held space for others as they move through a challenge.

I held space for someone who was having a hard with taking responsibility for their life and was stuck in victim mode. I helped them navigate coming home to their heart and this in turn brought clarity and strengthened relationships and knowing and trusting themselves again.

What is my definition of an Aquarian Leader?

An aquarian leader leads from the heart, authenticity and love. They lead by example, knowing they are not above anyone or perfect but imperfectly perfect and stepping into their gift of sharing and leading with true light. 

What are the teachings I am most passionate to deliver to others at this time

Embodying your power, presence and confidence to shine. Helping the nervous system relax and intuition and super powers awaken. 

What has been the most impactful learning experience/revelation for me this year?

To become the love I seek. To stop playing small or dimming my light. To be brave and trust the dance of life. 

Why do I feel the planet earth and humans can especially benefit from Kundalini Yoga/other practice now?

Kundalini yoga is helpful at this time on the planet because a lot of people are falling apart to come back together even more powerfully. We are in an age where anything not rooted in light is being illuminated. The past and old patterns are coming to surface to be seen, loved and healed. Kundalini yoga works quickly and helps us remember our truth and light by accessing our intuition and inner knowledge connected to God, the divine and our earth. Scientifically benefiting our brain and bodies it helps us in all areas of our life. 

What are my current commitments to seva and social justice?   

Seva is something I’m working on and helping those in need of support that do not have the means 

How do I most love to nourish myself and others?   

I love to nourish myself and others right now with love and coziness. With words of affirmation and gratitude. Gratitude and appreciation for all that I have and showing appreciation for all those in my life with words and love. 

What are your current appreciations + gratitudes?

I am grateful for the opportunity to share, teach and step into being a leader and believing in myself and others to rise. I appreciate my daughter and her helping me remember to play and not take life so seriously. I am grateful for my soul partnership that is here, supportive and helping me grow in ways I couldn’t do alone. 

What currently comprises your personal sadhana/daily practice?

Right now I’m doing ego eradicator, frogs, sensual dance and sa re sa sa mantra daily. 

Favorite art/creative and healing practices. 

Kundalini yoga, reiki energy healing and dance!

Where are you joining the digital studio from?

Boulder, CO 


